lingkungan tidak aman, konstruksi, manajemen keselamatan, kecelakaan pekerjaAbstract
Construction is a hazardous occupation due to the unique nature of activities involved and the repetitiveness of several field behaviors. Workers' accidents that occur not only bring financial loss to a company, but also can cause workers death, as well as the long-term loss for the company, workers, and workers’ families. Accident causality and, therefore, risk reduction on construction sites is complex and multifaceted and accident prevention begins with having a clear understanding of those factors that play key roles in their causation. The aim of this research is to identify the critical unsafe environment factors that influence workers’safety and to explore how they contribute to the accident. A number of methods were carried out to analyze the data collected through interviews and questionnaire surveys. The steps of the research based on factor identification, factor ranking, and factor analysis were carried out, and the results show that worker's accident can be influenced by four groups of unsafe environment factors, namely: (1) site layout/space; (2) poor site management; (3) working surfaces and platforms; and (4) weather. This research provides an in-depth insight into workers’ unsafe environment by depicting the contributing factors as shown in the accident causal model developed in this research that recommended a better understanding of how to eliminate unsafe environment and to function as a robust test-bed to assess the effectiveness of safety management. That can also prioritize risk factors and pay more attention to controlling them to achieve a safer working environment.
Keyword: unsafe environment, construction, safety management, workers’ accident
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