eksistensi budaya lokal, penguat nasionalisme.Abstract
The waning of nationalism caused by internal problems and external impacts in the era of globalization that can not be avoided and prevented. Strengthening a sense of nationalism can begin with the cultivation of a sense of love in the area that is the birthplace through the introduction and understanding of various aspects. This study aims to examine the existence of local culture as an amplifier of nationalism. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Research subjects are community leaders and humanists. Data collection techniques through interviews and observations. The validity of the research instrument uses expert validation test. The results of the study found: 1) the existence of a local culture that is still maintained because in it there are religious values, tolerance, mutual cooperation, responsibility, 2) even in the midst of the onslaught of radicalism understanding today is not able to destroy the local culture remains sustainable and proven able to strengthen a sense of nationalism.
Keywords: existence of local culture, reinforcement of nationalis.
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