Animal welfare, ARC, ARD, ADDAbstract
The Indonesian agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the country's economy, contributing significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and labor absorption. In 2019, there were 1,331 slaughterhouses across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The number of slaughterhouses reflects public meat consumption, which is generally proportional to population size and density. This study focuses on a slaughterhouse with six cow processing stages using machines: Slaughtering, Skinning, Meat Cutting, Offal Cleaning, Meat Milling, and Packaging. A layout will be designed for the slaughterhouse, incorporating supporting facilities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the output process while applying animal welfare methods. The Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method will be used to plan and analyse the linkages between activities in the slaughterhouse layout. This will be followed by the Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD) to establish the connections between the flow of goods and the location of service activities related to production. The goal is to produce an effective and efficient layout for the process flow.
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