
  • Tyahya Whisnu Hendratni Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Pancasila


MSMEs, Digital Marketing, Instagram, Tiktok, Increased Income


Setu Babakan has quite large economic potential, especially in the tourism and local product sectors. Many MSMEs operate in the culinary sector, typical Betawi handicrafts, typical Betawi processed foods and typical Setu Babakan souvenirs.  Apart from that, there are also water tourism services and services providing Betawi clothes and typical Betawi dances. Many MSMEs in Setu Babakan are only able to survive and find it difficult to develop. Therefore, coordination efforts are needed from various parties, including the government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to develop MSMEs in Setu Babakan. The problem faced is a lack of knowledge about marketing, digital literacy or governance. So far, the marketing media for MSME products has only used WhatsApp social media. Knowledge of other social media to market their products is very limited. Therefore, to reach a wider market or world market, it is necessary to have a digitalization process for MSMEs to market products and services so that they can increase competitive products. The focus of this Community Service activity is to provide training on using Instagram and Tik Tok to carry out digital marketing for MSMEs. Therefore, we, the PkM FEB Pancasila University Team, in May 2024 held training on Digital Marketing, namely Instagram and Tik Tok as a marketing strategy in order to expand marketing reach and increase income for Setu Babakan MSMEs. Participation in the implementation of PkM was very enthusiastic and responded positively. The participants' interest in Instagram and Tik Tok increased. The post test results showed an increase from 3.88 to 4.00. This shows that this training provides valuable insights and strategies in efforts to utilize social media for marketing purposes.


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