
  • Ainul Yakin Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Eko Sutrisno Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Nuril Ahmad Universitas Islam Majapahit


Caffeine, Kombucha coffee, Excelsa coffee, Spectrophotometers


Kombucha coffee is a fermented drink that combines the elements of coffee with kombucha, a probiotic drink that has been known to have various health benefits. Improving antioxidant performance in kombucha production is an innovation in the production of nutritious drinks and can be an alternative substitute for functional drinks. This study aims to analyze the concentration of caffeine in Kombucha of Excelsa coffee (Coffea excelsa) using the spectrophotometry method. Excelsa coffee was chosen as the basic ingredient because it has unique taste characteristics and chemical composition compared to other types of coffee. The methodology of this study uses a Complete Random Design (RAL) research design. This design has two elements, namely coffee concentration, which is 2%, 3%, 4% and fermentation time, which is 7 days, 10 days, and 14 days. The spectrophotometry method was chosen because of its accuracy in measuring the concentration of substances in solution. The results showed that the concentration of unfermented caffeine was 0.6043, and after fermentation into kombucha coffee, the highest caffeine content was found in kombucha that had been fermented for 14 days with a concentration of 4% of 1.10073. While the kombucha with the lowest caffeine content is fermented for 7 days with a concentration of 2% of 0.63903, the longer the fermentation of the caffeine content in coffee kombucha will increase and the higher the concentration of caffeine content, the higher the concentration. During fermentation, caffeine biosynthesis occurs which causes an increase in caffeine levels in kombucha. Further research is suggested to further explore the influence of other factors such as temperature and type of coffee on caffeine concentration in kombucha.


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