Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM <p>Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat diselenggarakan sebagai salah satu wujud kepedulian P3M Universitas Islam Majapahit Mojokerto akan perlu hadirnya terobosan dalam riset dan pengembangan yang mendukung Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan ekosistem riset dan pengembangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas riset dan pengembangan di Perguruan Tinggi, Lembaga Litbang, LPNK, Industri, dan Masyarakat, serta terobosan inovasi dan perkuatan sistem inovasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas industri dan meningkatkan perusahaan pemula berbasis teknologi. Seminar nasional ini mencakup tema yang luas di berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat, seperti inovasi-inovasi di bidang teknologi dan keteknikan, sosial sains, dan humaniora.</p> LP4MP, Universitas Islam Majapahit (UNIM) Mojokerto, Indonesia en-US Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2655-9781 LITERATUR REVIEW : CASCADING FAKTOR DISRUPSI DAN RISIKO KE STRATEGI LOGISTIK PADA THIRD PARTY LOGISTIC <p>ABSTRACT<br>Third Party Logistics is developing interms of terms known as outsourcing logistic and contract. The Party Logistics is call 3PL is an outsourcing company in part or all of the supply chain management functions consisting of (i) management and inventory storage , (ii) Picking and packing, (iii) freight forwarding, (iv) distribution, (v) cross docking , (vii) IT solutions and (viii) custome brokerage.<br>In digital era, time and speed are two very important variables in carrying out business activities in competing to achieve excellence, especially business in logistics, The business is moving fast and technology has to move even faster, a statement tahht is very suitable to be competitive in this era.<br>The study gioal is a determine the logistics strategy of 3PL in the era of industry 4.0 with cascading disruption and risk factors. Methods consist of four integraed steps, namely (i)external analysis, porters five analysis, (ii). Push and disrupsion factor, (iii) potential risk and (iv) determining the level of risk. In determining the logistics strategy of Third Party Logistics (3PL), it is necessary to integrate between IoT and cloud based logistics management system, so that risk factors will be minimized<br>Kata kunci: Analisis Porter, Cascading, Porter Analysis, Risiko , dan Third Party Logistic</p> Pipit Sari Puspitorini, Septa Niki Sabdo Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-17 2020-01-17 2 1 5 ANALISIS KESADARAN PERSONAL HYGIENE DALAM KEGIATAN PENGOLAHAN DAN PELAYANAN HIDANGAN <p>ABSTRACT<br>This study analyzes the awareness of personal hygiene in food processing and service. The sample was chosen randomly in the 2017-2018 students of Culinary Arts Education at one state University in Jakarta with 30 participants. The study sites were the food processing laboratory, patisserie laboratory, food management laboratory, and entrepreneurship laboratory on April-September 2019 at one state University in Jakarta. This study used a descriptive correlational with a quantitative approach. The instrument used an observation sheet with a checklist to see the awareness (application) and objective test to find out the knowledge of personal hygiene in food processing and service. It indicates a differential awareness of application and knowledge of personal hygiene in food processing and service. This study shows that there is no correlation between awareness (application) and knowledge of personal hygiene in food processing and service. The result of the study can become a positive impact on the awareness of applying personal hygiene during practical work in food processing and service at Culinary Arts students.<br>Key word : Awareness Analysis; Personal Hygiene; Food Processing; Service; Indonesian Culinary Students</p> Annis Kandriasari, Mutiara Dahlia IT Sachriani, Nur Riska, Yeni Yulianti Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-17 2020-01-17 2 10 15 UJI DAYA TERIMA TERHADAP MODIFIKASI KUE SEMPRONG DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK KOPI INSTAN <p>ABSTRACT<br>Eggroll is a relatively familiar traditional cake from Indonesia, yet eggroll is less popular than other traditional cakes. Therefore modifications are needed to increase the appealing of the cake. This study aims to determine and analyze eggroll with the addition of 6% instant coffee extract which includes aspects of taste, color, scent, shape, and texture. Egg roll is made by baking, then shaped by folding or rolling it. The research method was carried out using descriptive analysis with hedonic test. The results obtained from this study were 63% of respondents liked the color produced, 57% respondents really liked the taste of eggroll, and the scent liked by 57% respondents, while for the shape and texture, 47% and 60% of respondents each. The conclusion of this study is eggroll with the addition of 6% coffee extract is very appealing for the community with a percentage of 56.6%.<br>Keyword: Egg roll, Modified Cakes, Instant Coffee</p> Eliana Prisila, Efrina Efrina, Rihana Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-17 2020-01-17 2 16 20 UJI KUALITAS PASTA BASAH FETTUCCINI BERBAHAN DASAR PURE SUKUN (Artocarpus communis) <p>ABSTRACT – Font 10<br>The purpose of this study was to determine the quality test of breadfruit-based fettuccini products in the form of performance, cooking time, water absorption, and water stretch strength and descriptive sensory tests to measure the aspects of taste, aroma, texture, and color tested by Friedman Tests. The treatment given in this study was the addition of pure breadfruit with a ratio of 40, 50, and 60%. Based on the results of the study, namely the quality test and descriptive test, it is known that the optimal addition of fettuccini is the addition of 50%, where, in this addition, the dough and noodle performance is still very good. An addition of 40% produces a hard dough while the addition of 60% provides a soft dough. In the tensile test, there was no difference in the effect of fettuccini stretch with the addition of fettuccini. It was strengthened by the descriptive analysis that there was no change in texture with different treatments. In the descriptive test, it is known that having aspects of color, taste, texture, and aroma that can still be accepted by the panelists, where the addition of 50% produces the best value.<br>Keyword: Fettuccine, breadfruit, quality test, sensory descriptive test</p> 1Efrina Efrina 2Mahdiyah Mahdiyah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 21 26 ANALISA SENSORI TERHADAP PENAMBAHAN NATRIUM BICARBONAT PADA MINUMAN SERBUK EFFERVESCENT KELOR <p>ABSTRACT<br>The research aims to study the effect of the addition of sodium bicarbonate to the Moringa leaf effervescent extract. The addition of sodium bicarbonate is used 10%, 20%, and 30% from extract moringa leaf. The evaluation of consumer acceptance was carried out by a hedonic test to determine color, taste, aroma, and after-taste accepted by semi-trained panelists. The panelist is 30 students from the culinary program, State University of Jakarta. The results of the calculation of consumer acceptance showed that the Moringa leaf extracts accepted by consumers in the liking category. The result showed that panelists like the product in color, taste, aroma, after-taste aspect of moringa leaf effervescent extract. Friedman's test showed that there are differences between the addition of sodium bicarbonate to aspects of color, taste, aroma, and after taste. Based on further tests showed that is the best formula by using turkey test with 0,05 the addiction of 10% of sodium bicarbonate. Therefore the recommended formula is effervescent Moringa leaf extract with the 10% addition of sodium bicarbonate<br>Keyword: Moringa leaf, sodium bicarbonate, effervescent drinks, consumer acceptance</p> Efrina Efrina, Rusilanti Rusilanti Nurwati Indri Astuti Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 27 32 FAKTOR LINGKUNGAN TIDAK AMAN YANG MEMPENGARUHI KECELAKAAN PEKERJA KONSTRUKSI <p>ABSTRACT<br>Construction is a hazardous occupation due to the unique nature of activities involved and the repetitiveness of several field behaviors. Workers' accidents that occur not only bring financial loss to a company, but also can cause workers death, as well as the long-term loss for the company, workers, and workers’ families. Accident causality and, therefore, risk reduction on construction sites is complex and multifaceted and accident prevention begins with having a clear understanding of those factors that play key roles in their causation. The aim of this research is to identify the critical unsafe environment factors that influence workers’safety and to explore how they contribute to the accident. A number of methods were carried out to analyze the data collected through interviews and questionnaire surveys. The steps of the research based on factor identification, factor ranking, and factor analysis were carried out, and the results show that worker's accident can be influenced by four groups of unsafe environment factors, namely: (1) site layout/space; (2) poor site management; (3) working surfaces and platforms; and (4) weather. This research provides an in-depth insight into workers’ unsafe environment by depicting the contributing factors as shown in the accident causal model developed in this research that recommended a better understanding of how to eliminate unsafe environment and to function as a robust test-bed to assess the effectiveness of safety management. That can also prioritize risk factors and pay more attention to controlling them to achieve a safer working environment.<br>Keyword: unsafe environment, construction, safety management, workers’ accident</p> Diah Sarasanty Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 33 39 PENERAPAN VALUE ENGINEERING PADA PROYEK KONSTRUKSI DI SURABAYA <p>ABSTRACT<br>In many construction projects, stakeholders find difficulties like poor planning of the project, poor material, labor shortages, increased cost of material, unexpected weather changes, and poor communication, etc. Value engineering is a well known and applied concept throughout the world. It is applied in construction as an efficient tool to achieve overall project success. Value engineering (VE) can be denned as a systematic creative study performed on the project, aimed to achieve the project functions needed at the lowest possible cost without sacrificing quality, performance or reliability, and enhancing the performance throughout the life of the project. The objectives of this research are to explore the application of the concept of value engineering in building construction projects Jagir Marketing Galery. The coming part of this research is considered the sequential step towards fulfilling its aim. Through which, the authors were able to analyze and summarize the basic information on the project, including the project names, basic data, and selection criteria. The findings of this paper highlighted there are 21 items task having high cost within cost/worth value more than 2 among them, plafond, main roofing, air cooler, ground floor, and mezzanine floor. From the information phase, function analysis phase, creative phase, and recommendation phase that result shows was observed that it could achieve 16–41% savings of the total project cost which can be helpful for sustainable construction and in reducing the gap between the estimated/planned time and actual time and cost of building constructional projects implementation.<br>Keyword: value engineering, construction project, cost reduction</p> Diah Sarasanty Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 40 45 ANALISA SERVICE LEVEL KARGO UDARA DELIVERY IMPORT PT. ANGKASA PURA LOGISTIK JUANDA SURABAYA <p>ABSTRACT<br>PT Angkasa Pura Logistk is a company engaged in air cargo shipping services that serve national and international routes. In general, companies in the same field have standardized measures of customer satisfaction related to service level. Based on company policy, the service level in serving customers has been set for a maximum of 5 minutes. However, there are several factors that affect service level such as the accuracy of porters when moving goods from the warehouse to custom clearance. This is influenced by the availability of mobile pallet, the location of cargo, to the mode of cargo transportation that does not arrive on time has an impact on gate loading / unloading access. So that this research needs to be evaluated in every process that takes place so that the company knows whether the level of cargo service level is in accordance with applicable standards, in order to be able to achieve the policies set.<br>Keywords: cargo, warehouse, service level, porter</p> Astari Putri Ramadhany Oki Anita Candra Dewi Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 46 52 STUDI KELAYAKAN PENINGKATAN JALAN SEKAPUK – UJUNGPANGKAH KABUPATEN GRESIK DITINJAU DARI ASPEK LALU LINTAS DAN INVESTASI <p>Abstract<br>One area in Gresik Regency that is currently developing is the Sekapuk - Ujungpangkah road in Gresik Regency. The capacity of existing roads is 1,649.2 pcu / hour with a degree of saturation (DS) of 0.63, the figure is almost close to the permissible degree of saturation that is based on (MKJI, 1997) The degree of saturation that occurs must be below 0.75 and planning must be below 0.75. The level of service at the existing road level is included in category C. The purpose of this research is to analyze the feasibility of planning the improvement of the Sekapuk - Ujungpangkah Road in Gresik Regency in terms of traffic engineering aspects and investment financing. The research method used is with and without planned (before and after). Where with this method traffic conditions will be compared using indicators of Degree of Saturation (DS) and Service Level (LoS) while the feasibility of investment financing is the value of NPV, BCR, and IRR. Based on the analysis results obtained the degree of saturation (DS) of 0.43 &lt;0.75, while the level of service is to be B while for investment financing analysis obtained the value of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.495&gt; 1, Net Present Value (NPV) is worth positive that is Rp. 34,764,824,948, and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 10%&gt; 4% (discount factor). The benefits of the investment are divided into two, namely vehicle operating cost savings obtained value of Rp. 221,474,878,948.08 and time value saving of Rp. 119,752,623,772.10. Based on the analysis, it was stated that the project was technically feasible for traffic and investment financing to be carried out.<br>Keywords: Feasibility, Traffic, Investment.</p> Afifa Yhulandari, M. Adik Rudiyanto, Edhi Soewartono Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 59 77 STUDI DESAIN KONSERVASI AIR DENGAN TEKNOLOGI BIOPORI DAN SUMUR RESAPAN PADA UNIVERSITAS ISLAM MAJAPAHIT <p>ABSTRACT<br>In the hydrological cycle, rain plays a very important role in the existence of water on earth. Rain becomes a source to recharge of groundwater through the infiltration and percolation processes. Often the process is hindered by the presence of waterproof areas. On the other hand, excessive extraction of groundwater can disturb the balance of the environment. One of the ways to help get water into the ground is to make bio pore holes and infiltration wells. In this study, the Log Pearson Type III method is used to calculate design rain and the rational method is used to calculate runoff discharge. This study aims to plan the needs of bio pore holes and infiltration wells at Islamic University of Mojopahit as an effort to conserve water in the built area. From the results of the analysis, the number of bio pore holes required is 1537 holes with the cost needed Rp.101.442.000,00. While infiltration wells are designed in the built area with a total of 124 pieces with the cost Rp. 372.000.000,00<br>Keyword: water conservation, rational method, biopore, infiltration wells</p> Erna Tri Asmorowati Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 84 90 EFEKTIFITAS MEDIA TRAINER TRANSMISI TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR MAHASISWA TEKNIK MESIN PADA MATERI BELT, PULLEY DAN RODA GIGI <p>ABSTRACT<br>Machine Element II learns about transmission systems including power and speed calculations, introduction of power transfer components in the form of gears, belts &amp; pulleys. Given the importance of the material in this<br>course, it is important to bring trainers to support learning. To find out the effectiveness of the trainer, a study was conducted to measure its effect on learning outcomes. Student test result data are then analyzed using the T-test method. The research instrument in the form of 20 items that were tested for validity had the lowest r count value of 0.404 with rtable = 0.3961. Reliability test showed r count = 0.952 and r table = 0.3961. All items are said to<br>be valid and reliable because r count&gt; r table. Difficulty level is at low-medium level and power difference is at<br>good level. T-test results showed a significance of 0.016 smaller than 0.05 so that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted proving that the presence of the trainer had a significant effect on learning outcomes on belt, pulley and gear material in Machine Element II subjects.<br>Keywords: trainer, transmission, learning outcome</p> Mohammad Munib Rosadi, Retno Eka Pramitasari, Ali Hasbi Ramad Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 84 89 ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN REPRESENTASI MATEMATIS MAHASISWA DALAM MENYELESAIKAN SOAL PROGRAM LINEAR DITINJAU DARI PERBEDAAN GENDER <p>ABSTRACT<br>This research aims to describe the ability of students’ mathematical representation to solve linear program’s problem reviewed from gender differences. This research focuses on table, symbols, verbal, and graph representation. The subjects of this research are one male and one female student of the fourth Semester of Mathematics Education in Majapahit Islamic University. The subjects are selected based on the highest mathematics ability which is assesed from their previous assignments and tests. In addition, the communication ability of the subjects is also considered in order to facilitate the researcher in conducting interviews.Based on the result of the tests and interviews, it can be concluded that (a) the female subject present information into the table representation in both the graphical and simplex methods, while the male subject does not present the information into the table representation on the graph method, and it is incomplete in writing the table representation on the simplex method; (b) The female subject makes graphical representation completely and precisely, whereas the male subject makes a mistake in making a graphical representation and determining the solution area; (c) the male and female subjects write symbol representations in the solution of the problem completely and precisely on the graph and simplex method, but in the simplex method male student is incomplete in her symbol representation; (d) the female subject solves problems with written words completely on the graph method and the simplex method, while male subject is incomplete and the male subject does not write verbal representation.<br>Keyword: Representation, Symbols, Graph, Table, Verbal</p> F Feriyanto Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 90 97 EXTENSIVE READING DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN MINAT BACA SANTRI AL-ADHIM DALAM MENGHADAPI SBMPTN <p>ABSTRACT<br>Extensive Reading is one of the alternatives for educators to inspire the students in completing their interest in reading especially when answering questions that have long and complex English Reading texts. Extensive Reding can also help the students to be more enthusiastic about reading and elaborate on the writer's ideas into an understanding that is easier to understand. This is the right solution for the students who perceive long English texts as difficult things to do especially for students who face University Entrance Examination (SBMPTN). Although, school education is considered capable and trusted by the government to provide education, but in real the school deemed insufficient to meet the standards set by goverenment, therefore non-school educational institutions such as the Pesantren Kilat (SATLAN) as Learning Guidance Institution need to be accelerate to assist students who are less able and want went to college to upgrade his knowladge.<br>Keyword: Extensive Reading, Reading Interest, Pesantren Kilat (SATLAN).</p> Ahmad Iklil Saifulloh Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 98 102 INTERAKSI PEDAGOGIK DI SEKOLAH DAN MADRASAH BERBASIS PESANTREN <p>ABSTRACT<br>Pedagogical Interaction is a very important activity in education because in there is reciprocal communication between students and teachers who are directed towards educational goals. This study aims to find out more about pedagogic interactions that occur in schools and madrasah-based pesantren. This study used qualitative research methods. This research obtained data using observation and interview methods. Based on the results of the study it can be explained that pedagogical interactions that occur in schools and madrasah-based pesantren meet many challenges, especially the many activities that exist in Islamic boarding schools. But people still have confidence in the barokah of knowledge that can be obtained from the blessings and prayers of teachers, so school activities and others are only intermediaries.<br>Keyword: Pedagogical Interaction, Schools, Madrasah, Pesantren</p> Muhammad Ali Rohmad, Arif Efendi Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 98 103 ANALISIS STRATEGI PERANCANGAN SMART CAMPUS MENGGUNAKAN SWOT PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA DI SURABAYA <p>ABSTRACT<br>In this study a SWOT analysis was conducted as a basis for making smart campus design strategies at private universities in Surabaya. This SWOT analysis considers the internal and external business environment. From the internal environmental conditions, the strength factor is +43 and the weakness factor is -22. While external conditions are obtained based on political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) conditions, the opportunity factor is +47 and the threat factor is -38. Based on these results, the quadrant position of the private university is in quadrant I. In this position, the institution uses all its strength and seizes as many opportunities as possible for the success of the smart campus design.<br>Keyword: business environtment, information technology, PEST, smart campus, SWOT analysis</p> Shofiya Syidada, Emmy Wahyuningtyas Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 104 110 MULTI ETNIS DALAM PEMUJAAN DEWA-DEWI DI PURA NEGARA GAMBUR ANGLAYANG, BULELENG <p>ABSTRACT<br>Bali as a tourist destination since the past has become one of the destinations for tourists to visit the temple which is unique. Moreover, most visitors come from China to the Buleleng region, besides diligently trading, they also worship at Gambur Anglayang State Temple for their success later. In connection with this, there are issues to be discussed namely the form of worship, the function of worship and the meaning of worship at the temple. The approach used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The main finding is the procedure for non-Hindu worship according to the rules in the temple. The existence of mystical events as a decisive sign at the temple. In the conclusion, both the form of the function and its meaning provide a broad insight of the members of the temple.<br>Keyword: Multi Ethnic, Worship, Gambur Anglayang State Temple</p> Pande Wayan Renawati Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 101 122 RESOLUSI KONFLIK PEMILIHAN KEPALA DESA SUMBERSONO KECAMATAN DLANGGU KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACT<br>Research on conflict resolution in the selection of Sumbersono Village Head in Dlanggu District uses ethnographic descriptive methods. The ethnographic descriptive method is used with the consideration that the data generated in the form of descriptive data, namely written or oral words of people that can be known and ethnographic form of a description of the area used in research. Descriptive research in this study is more concerned with the process, and the process in this study is a picture or description in the form of conflict resolution in pre-election, during election and post-election. Qualitative research in this study the data collected in the form of words or images of something. Conflict resolution in the election of the village head of Sumbersono was found in three stages, namely (a) Pre-election, the community knew that the former headman did not register as a prospective headman for the next period. The committee opens the registration of prospective village heads with ten registrants and finally according to the rules the committee selects five candidates to be determined. namely Ade Marta, Purlistiyorini, Suparni, Sumakno, Junaedi, Sumakno. (b) During the election, Sumakno supporters did not accept his defeat against the winning candidate, thus making the atmosphere of the Sumbersono Village Hall tense. To overcome this, BPD mediates by providing social sanctions and will deal with the law against anyone who does not want to obey the rules, ie each candidate must be ready to win or lose. This can be overcome by providing socialization to the community about the importance of their votes in the election of village heads and village elders to hold meetings at the village hall. (c) After the election, the people who were supporters of the Sumakno nominees were taking a lawsuit against the committee. To overcome this, the committee, the Village Apparatus, and the BPD approached all candidates, the village apparatus approached residents and mediated through the Districts and Regencies.<br>Keywords: Conflict resolution, Pilkades</p> Engkin Suwandana Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 123 127 EFEKTIVITAS PERATURAN PERKARANTINAAN TERHADAP PENINGKATAN EKSPOR KOMODITAS PERTANIAN DI JAWA TIMUR <p>ABSTRACT<br>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of quarantine regulations on agricultural commodities through quarantine regulations, and identify the impact of companies implementing quarantine regulations. Data collection uses primary data from stakeholders and secondary data through literature. Data analysis techniques using descriptive qualitative analysis begins by examining all available data from various sources and quantitative analysis with multiple linear regression. The results show that quarantine regulations applied to agricultural commodity companies can effectively increase the value of exports. The quarantine regulation is intended to assist export companies to improve the quality of export products from upstream to downstream (implementation of quarantine regulations) and cooperate with trading partner countries through the application of the Phytosanitary Certificate E-cert. In addition, the number of companies and types of export commodities from 2012-2017 registered at the Surabaya Quarantine Center for Agriculture has increased every year. The export value (Million US $) of agricultural commodities in East Java from 2012-2017 were respectively 2517.3, 2479.1, 2682.9.2837.8 and 2911.9. Judging from the results of multiple linear regressions, the DIPA operational budget for quarantine regulations (Million / year) and the number of certificates (sheets / year) have a positive value on export performance. The positive impact of exporting companies implementing quarantine regulations is that quarantine checks can be carried out at production sites that were previously subject to customs, savings in operating costs of the company's exports and quality assurance of export products (free of OPT).<br>Keyword: Export companies, Agricultural Commodities, Quarantine Regulations</p> Anita, Zainal Abidin, Ramdan Hidayat Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 128 135 ANALISIS BIAYA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN PUSAT OLEH-OLEH & PRODUK UNGGULAN DESA SOOKO <p>ABSTRACT<br>Control is one of the functions of project management that aims to keep the work going according to the target. The results of the analysis using the Earned Value Concept for the implementation of the Center for Souvenir Development project and the Leading Products of Sooko Village, Mojokerto Regency show that the project implementation performance is quite positive, from the cost aspect, it shows that the implementation of this project is profitable, this is indicated by the CV indicator (Cost Variant) positive value of Rp. 38,712,784.00 or value of Cost Performance Index (CPI) = 1,018&gt; 1. While the aspect of the project implementation schedule is experiencing delays as indicated by the SV indicator (Schedule Variant) is negative (Rp. 375,303,220) or Schedule Performance Index (SPI) ) = 0.854 &lt;1. Project performance when reporting goes well, the benefits will be obtained because the budget spent is still below the budget plan made. A positive ETC value of Rp. 368,684,875. While from the aspect of schedule, the implementation experienced a slight delay from the established schedule, the September EAS was 138 days, so that the October EAS was above 138 days.<br>Keyword: control, cost, profit</p> Nurdiana Fitri Isnaini, Yuliasnita Verlandes Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 136 144 PENERAPAN STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING BERBASIS SITUS SEJARAH CANDI JABUNG UNTUK MENINGKATKAN BERPIKIR KRITIS <p>ABSTRACT<br>This study aims to improve the critical thinking of social studies students through the application of the Student Centered Learning (SCL) learning model based on the history site of the jabung temple. The importance of applying this historical Site-based SCL learning model to be able to make IPS students who are bored with learning inside the classroom become interested in gaining their knowledge by learning outside the classroom so that it can improve students' critical thinking. The research method used is a mixed method, where in the form of this study combines two approaches namely qualitative and quantitative, this study uses data collection techniques observation, interviews and tests. The results of data analysis in this study showed that the test results between pretest and posttest, showed that the average score of the pretest was 74.88%, while the average score in the post test was 86.1%. The yield between pretest posttets increased by 11.22%. Based on these results it can be concluded that in the application of the learning model of student centered learning (SCL) based on the history site of the jabung temple can improve the critical thinking of IPS student<br>Keyword: Student Centered Learning, Historical Sites Jabung Temple, Critical Thinking</p> Siti Nurul Hidayah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 145 152 PERSPEKTIF MAQHASID SYARIAH DALAM PENGEMBANGAN DESTINASI WISATA HALAL DI INDONESIA <p>ABSTRACT<br>This study aims to determine the variables contained in the tourism of halal and thayyib which are adjusted to the 5 principles in sharia maqashid, namely protection of the soul, protection of property, protection of offspring, protection of religion, and protection of lives. The development of halal tourism destinations in Indonesia is the center of public attention, because it has enormous potential. This can be seen from the religious enthusiasm of the people in Indonesia, whi are predominantly Muslim, the potential of very attractive natural resources to be developed into attractive halal tourism destinations. In Indonesia, there area already a number of destinations decleared as halal tourism destinations, but many also consider that halal tourism is still a trend and brand, because of partial halal substance such as restaurants and hotels. Thus it is very important to present Islamic principles which from the basis or guidelines for the implementation of the halal concept by presenting several variables in the development of halal tourism potential in Indonesia as ameasure. This research uses literature study and uses descriptive qualitative analysis.<br>Keyword:shariamaqashid,halaltourism,thayyib</p> Zahida I’tisoma Billah, Maryani Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 154 160 EKSISTENSI MATA KULIAH BUDAYA NUSANTARA UNTUK MENUNJANG BUDAYA LITERASI DAN NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL <p>ABSTRACT<br>This study aims to describe the existence of typical institutional courses, namely Budaya Nusantara as a form of literacy movement in the field of culture. The literacy movement is intended for the academics of the institution so that the culture of Mojokerto and its surroundings remains sustainable. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This research is a literature study. The library used is the official document of the university relating to the forerunner to the formation of a unique course, Budaya Nusantara. The document contains the narrative of the founder of the institution initiating the course and its learning objectives. The results of the analysis state that the Budaya Nusantara course can be a means of learning and holding a cultural literacy movement that can be implemented to lecturers and students, both in mind and in action. Cultural literacy is very important to be encouraged because Indonesian culture and cultural products are of high noble value that can be transformed according to the times without eliminating the substance so that it has a solid cultural awareness. In addition, cultural literacy as a means of promoting the values of local wisdom. So, the Budaya Nusantara course can greatly support literacy culture and enhance positive social attitudes.<br>Keywords: Budaya Nusantara courses, literacy culture, local wisdom values</p> Doni Uji Windiatmoko Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 161 167 EKSISTENSI BUDAYA LOKAL SEBAGAI PENGUAT NASIONALISME <p>ABSTRACT<br>The waning of nationalism caused by internal problems and external impacts in the era of globalization that can not be avoided and prevented. Strengthening a sense of nationalism can begin with the cultivation of a sense of love in the area that is the birthplace through the introduction and understanding of various aspects. This study aims to examine the existence of local culture as an amplifier of nationalism. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Research subjects are community leaders and humanists. Data collection techniques through interviews and observations. The validity of the research instrument uses expert validation test. The results of the study found: 1) the existence of a local culture that is still maintained because in it there are religious values, tolerance, mutual cooperation, responsibility, 2) even in the midst of the onslaught of radicalism understanding today is not able to destroy the local culture remains sustainable and proven able to strengthen a sense of nationalism.<br>Keywords: existence of local culture, reinforcement of nationalis.</p> Neneng Rika Jazilatul Kholidah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 168 174 Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skills Using Reflectional Video in Story Telling <p>ABSTRACT:<br>Speaking is considered as a difficult skill in teaching English to young learners. Many teachers have problems to teach speaking. This is due to some reasons. Firstly, many teachers taught English in serious atmosphere. They prefered spending the time in class reading textbooks and writing assignments. They rarely devoted their time to speak the language. Therefore, students did not have enough chances to practice speaking in the classroom. Generally, the use of the technology as a teaching aid was mainly aimed at increasing teaching process to be more motivating and appealing for students. One of solutions of the above problems was by using reflectional video in a speaking class especially in story telling. The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research to solve the problem above for the beginner students at the college STKIP PGRI Nganjuk. Finally, the students can overcome their private problem of speaking English by themselves.<br>Keywords : reflectional video, speaking skill, story telling</p> Triana Wuri Cahyanti, Anita Budi Rahayu Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-19 2020-01-19 2 175 181 CHATBOT PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS MEDIA SOSIAL <p>ABSTRACT<br>Social media has changed people's way of life but, unfortunately, most of them only use it for information exchange. This research tried to develop an application using a social media as a medium for students to learn English more efficiently. This application was in the form of a chatbot (answering robot) and designed to be capable of replacing the teacher's role in answering students' questions while they learn English. Their familiarity with the interface and navigation of social media made them easy to operate the integrated chatbot. This application was tried out on D3 students of English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Malang. The test results showed 98% of the respondents stated that the chatbot helped them learn English, 90% said that the material presented was quite interesting, and 72% stated that the chatbot application did not decrease the performance of their mobile phones. This showed that the collection of information and the help model through the Organized Exercise Items in the application helped students learn English independently.<br>Keyword: chatbot, english learning, organized exercise items, social media,</p> Moechammad Sarosa, Mila Kusumawardani, Achmad Suyono, Zamah Sari Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-19 2020-01-19 2 182 188 KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADA ANAK DI MADURA <p>ABSTRACT<br>The purpose of this study was to analyze the forms of sexual violence that occurred in Madura. In addition, it is also to explore how people's opinions (attitudes) towards sexual violence incidents. Furthermore, this study also analyzes whether the curriculum (content) for preventing sexual violence has been included in the school subjects. The method used is interview and observation. The results showed that the forms of sexual violence that occurred were forced marriage, sexual harassment, rape, forced abortion and forced prostitution. Related to the curriculum, there was no detailed curriculum in schools that discussed the prevention of sexual violence. (intermezo<br>Keyword: forms, Madura, sezual violence</p> Yan Ariyani, Netty Dyah Kurniasari, Teguh H.R Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-19 2020-01-19 2 189 195 BUDAYA PERKAWINAN ANAK DI MADURA <p>ABSTRACT<br>The purpose of this study is to reveal the construction of early marriage in Madura. In addition, it is also to explore the understanding of early marriages about reproductive health. Based on data, in Indonesia girls are the most vulnerable victims. Another study found that firstly, girls from rural areas experienced double vulnerability to be married compared to urban children. Secondly, early marriage often occurs in poor areas. Third, girls who drop out or do not continue school are also more vulnerable than girls who are in school The 2012 Susenas data shows that girls who are married at 10-15 years of age are 11.13 percent, and those who are married between the ages of 10-15 years as much as 32.10% Previous studies showed that women involved in child marriages came from poor families Parents marry off their daughters to reduce the family's economic burden,Parents encourage (force) girls to marry and culture<br>Keyword: early marriage,girls, Madura</p> Dessy Trisilowaty, Netty Dyah Kurniasari Sri Hidayati Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-19 2020-01-19 2 196 201 PERSPEKTIF CALON GURU TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN MEDIA DIGITAL DALAM PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS <p>ABSTRACT<br>Utilizing the technology in the classroom is a demand in industrial era 4.0, especially in teaching English. Therefore, teachers must be able to improve and do innovation in teaching English by employing digital media. This becomes a challenge for the teachers due to the difference of the students’ characteristics and facilities in each school. Hence, this research aims at analyzing pre-service teachers point of view towards the use of digital media in teaching English. The data were obtained through questionnaire analyzed qualitatively. The sources of the data were ten students who did teaching practice in some schools. Most of them give positive respond towards the use of digital media.<br>Keywords: digital media. Teaching English, pre-service teachers</p> Wiwik Mardiana Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-19 2020-01-19 2 202 206 DESAIN SERIOUS GAME KABEL LAN PADA APLIKASI AUGMENTED REALITY DENGAN GMC <p>ABSTRACT<br>Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that combines the real world with the virtual world in 2D and 3D, which is projected directly in real time. Of the problems that occur are the availability of network devices that will be used for the learning process is limited making the presentation of learning becomes less interactive, students are still unfamiliar to recognize forms of network topology and the number of errors when making LAN cables and LAN cabling practices make available devices become wasted uselessly. Learning with games is expected to be able to improve abilities and reduce mistakes when practicing. This research builds a game design that is embedded in the application of AR-based learners, using GMC (Gamification Model Canvas) to map learning needs with serious games. The results of this serious game are used as a virtual practice exercise in LAN cabling and connectivity based on the specified topology.<br>Keyword: augmented reality, LAN, Gamification Model Canvas, serious game</p> Tri Ika Jaya Kusumawati, Risky Asnawawi, Aditya Pratama Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 207 212 DAFTAR ISI <p>DAFTAR ISI PENELITIAN</p> Admin IT Unim Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 213 215 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PENGOLAHAN SI GADIS DESA GONDANGMANIS KECAMATAN BANDARKEDUNGMULYO KABUPATEN JOMBANG <p>ABSTRACT<br>Community service activities through community service programs are located in Gondangmanis Village, Bandarkedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency, which is directed at community empowerment so as to generate additional income for families through the application of technology and processing of the Girl (Darsono type guava). The method used is training and production practices that were preceded by a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for group business planning and marketing strategies. Program participants are members of the Gondangmanis Village Pokdarwis and farmer groups. The results of empowerment through training and practice responded positively by the participants. The pioneering of joint business groups is done through the assessment of product marketing at the Picking Girl Tourism location and the surrounding environment. Fruit and jam drink products based on organoleptic tests are market-acceptable. Implementing a good marketing strategy and organizing production will be an initiation in the formation of joint business groups. This empowerment program in the long run is expected to become a thriving business with good capacity and quality.<br>Keywords: The girl, empowerment, processing, fruit juice drinks, fruit jam</p> Verlandes Yuliasnita, Fitri Nurdiana Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 1 5 PELATIHAN ETIKA BISNIS DAN PEMASARAN BAGI PAGUYUBAN UMKM SEMOLOWARU SURABAYA <p>ABSTRACT<br>The MSME community in the Semolowaru sub-district of Sukolilo Surabaya has various types of businesses including culinary, convection, services, handicraft, batik and others. Some obstacles or problems are still faced by SMEs in carrying out their activities, including the lack of mastery of technology, management, information and markets. This is because many MSMEs do not understand the importance of mastering technology, ethics and market understanding and the lack of assistants in the field. Thus, it is very necessary to have a mentor or facilitator in assisting MSMEs to facilitate and provide training according to the needs of MSME actors. The purpose of the activity: a. provide motivation and enthusiasm for SMEs to increase creativity and innovation; b. provide knowledge about business ethics and the importance of mastery of technology, management, information and markets. The method of carrying out the activities carried out is: training on business ethics and marketing materials. The number of participants who attended was 20 people. PkM activities implemented through training on business ethics and marketing material are expected to benefit MSME entrepreneurs, so it is necessary to recommend: continuity of activities and evaluations after PkM activities are carried out and conduct similar education to other different communities.<br>Keywords: Business Ethics, Marketing, MSME Community Empowerment, Entrepreneurship</p> Tegowati, Dewi Mutmainnah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 6 12 PELATIHAN PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN UMKM SESUAI SAK EMKM <p>ABSTRACT In order to expand public access to financial services, in accordance with Peraturan Presiden No 82 tahun 2016 Strategi Nasional Keuangan Inklusif, it is necessary to establish a National Financial Inclusive Strategy. For the policies to work, a Financial Education Pillar is needed which aims to improve people's skills in financial planning and management. One of the financial education action programs undertaken is training in the context of increasing the capacity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The SMEs in Kediri Regency business growth is still not fast due to lack of knowledge in developing business and reading business opportunities. The problem faced is not being able to record financial transactions in the Financial Statements. Based on these problems, technical training was given in preparing Financial Statements based on the Standard Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Mkro Kecil dan Menengah (SAK EMKM) at Kediri Regency, in collaboration with the Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro of the Kediri Regency Government. Participants are given basic knowledge first about Accounting and then the implementation of the preparation of Financial Statements. The training activity provide awareness to the SMEs to make Financial Reports so that they can run their business more efficiently and effectively through analysis of the results of financial statements.<br>Keywords: Financial Education, Financial Statement, Kediri Regency, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, SAK EMKM</p> Nenny Syahrenny Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 13 17 PENGELOLAAN UMKM BERBASIS MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN DI DESA KEPUHANYAR KECAMATAN MOJOANYAR KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACT<br>This activity is an effort of synergy between universities and SMEs in order to improve the performance of MSMEs. This dedication partner is UD. Sumber Agung in Kepuhanyar Village, Mojoanyar District, Mojokerto Regency. Implementing activities are the Faculty of Economics Team consisting of the Chairperson and Members. The problem faced by partners is the absence of training on business management based on financial management. The solution is to provide information / education and training to SMEs about financial management based business management. Expected outputs are: business management based on financial management, the availability of financial reports, performance improvement and scientific publications at the national level. The results of the questionnaire showed that this activity was very beneficial for partners.<br>Keywords: MSME management, financial management, financial reports, improving MSME performance</p> Rini Armin, Nabila Ludiana Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 18 24 PENGOLAHAN METODE 4R DAN BANK SAMPAH UNTUK MENJADIKAN LINGKUNGAN BERSIH, SEHAT DAN EKONOMIS DI DESA WATU GOLONG KECAMATAN KRIAN <p>ABSTRACT<br>Community paradigm change regarding the garbage needs to be done in a sustainable manner. Educational awareness and skills of residents for waste management with the application of the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, and replant (4R) is important in solving the problem of waste. Bank-based litter is a female citizen participation in the social capital of community-based waste management. Bank of garbage which are integrated with 4R principles implemented in the village of Watu Golong Kabupatean Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Bank activity waste is a concept dried and sorted waste collection and management have saved like banking but not the money but the trash. Empowerment of citizens through counseling, education, training methods emancipatory participation (interaction and communication), as well as the dialogue with the citizens in the community. Necessary support partnerships with networking and institutional cooperation mechanism between the citizens of the garbage bank managers with relevant stakeholders. Rehearsal my village Garbage Bank (BSKR) in the village of Watu Golong has given benefit to the citizens, especially the immediate benefits by reducing waste generation in the community, the environment becomes more clean and beautiful, as well as the economic independence of each resident. In addition to economic benefits, which of rubbish savings earned money to pay electricity bills and buy groceries, as well as the realization of environmental health, with conditions more communities clean, green, comfortable, and healthy. Integrated waste management can stimulate creativity and innovation from the community thus improving the welfare of citizens.<br>Keywords: Waste banks, environmental awareness education, environmental health, Women participation, management waste of civic based. civic based.</p> Lilla Puji Lestari Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 31 35 PENGGUNAAN IRIGASI TETES PADA KEBUN JERUK BERBASIS INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) <p>ABSTRACT<br>Partner has relied on rainwater by using a rain-fed system to irrigate its plants. Problems arise when the dry season, due to limited water; plants can only bear fruit once a year unlike plants on other plantations that get irrigation river water can bear fruit twice a year. For this reason, a water reservoir is proposed as a place to store water from rain-fed systems, while to control the use of water an Internet of Things (IoT) based drip irrigation system uses solar panel energy due to the unavailability of electrical energy sources. Watering is done automatically based on soil moisture, if the soil moisture is less than 70% then the valve will open so that the water flows, otherwise if the humidity has been met then the valve will close. The existence of this activity, citrus plants can bear fruit twice a year<br>Keywords: Citrus plants, drip irrigation, Internet of Things water reservoir,</p> Mila Kusumawardani, Moechammad Sarosa, Ratih Indri Hapsari Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 36 42 IMPLEMENTASI PROFILE SEKOLAH BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE MVC <p>ABSTRACT<br>Indonesia is one of the developing countries in the world that still has problems in the world of education. There are three main factors that inhibit the underdevelopment of the quality of education which is the root of the problems among others; education curriculum, lack of qualified education personnel, and equitable distribution of education. One of the government's efforts is to implement a zoning system to solve the problem of educational equality. However, this system has an impact on private and pilot schools outside the government-owned schools. The inability of private schools to build their school profiles is like those built by government-owned schools. And how promotion and marketing use technology. This problem is also faced by TK or KIGP. The solution given is website development using the MVC method (Model, View, Controller). This method is applied so that the next website can be developed into an academic website. The results of community service include; increasing the knowledge of school administrators and teachers in terms of technological development and the creation of a school marketing tool.<br>Keywords: zoning, profile, website, MVC, KBM</p> Tri Ika Jaya Kusumawati, Avandhy Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 43 48 PENGEMBANGAN KETERAMPILAN KELOMPOK IBU-IBU PKK DALAM PENCEGAHAN RADIKALISME REMAJA DI KECAMATAN PUNGGING MOJOKERTO <p>Abstrak<br>The phenomenon of religious radicalism has increased in Indonesia and this is a worrying phenomenon. Religious radicalism can be interpreted as a religious sect that wants both social and political changes drastically with violence. Therefore, radicalism sometimes has close links with terrorism. Lately, the understanding of radicalism has spread to teenagers and students in schools. Efforts to prevent radical understanding in the environment of adolescents and students need to involve various components, one of which is housewives, who have a role in parenting children or adolescents. The Ibu-Ibu PKK group skills development program in preventing youth radicalism has been implemented in Pungging District and has concluded: (1) prevention of radicalism can be carried out by Ibu-Ibu PKK Groups in Pungging Mojokerto District with counter radicalism strategies and using using values internalization techniques, Islamic Values and Indonesian-ness, (2) the skills of the Ibu-Ibu PKK group in the Pungging Mojokerto sub-district experienced a significant increase in the prevention of radicalism in adolescents.<br>Keywords: religious radicalism, counter-radicalism, internalization</p> M. Syarif, Ainul Yaqin, Syaikhu Rozi, Moh. Misbakhul Khoir. Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 49 55 IMPLEMENTASI BAHAN AJAR INTERAKTIF UNTUK SISWA BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS (TUNARUNGU) <p>ABSTRACT<br>Community service is one of Thee Pillars of Higher Education which perfomed as implentation knowledge, technology, art and culture that affected by community. Action of community service was held by FKIP and FST team of Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum was Developing Interactive Teaching Materials of Mathematics for student has special needs (deaf) SMALB Kabupaten Jombang. It held for 8 months, from May to November. The school be partner is SMALB Muhammadiyah Jombang. Choising of this partners base on productivity of creation, participation on exhibition and academic competition or not academic competition. Development of that material teaching have done but it did’t implement yet. The implementation have to do as implementation of developing knowledge to community. Collecting data through observation on teaching then interview. The analysis of data use quantitative descriptive. The result show that interactive material teaching that implement to teacher then to student had make teaching easy and make student motivated when learning because this material teaching more contextual and interactive of student’s activity at class.<br>Keywords: deaf, inteactive teaching material, mathematics</p> Tomy Syafrudin, Sujarwo Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 56 62 UPAYA PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS PRODUKSI PADA USAHA MIKRO KERUPUK SAMILER DI GONDANG, MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACT<br>This community service activity was partnering with a samiler crackers micro business in the village of Kemasantani, Gondang Mojokerto. The partner problem was the still low production capacity of samiler crackers. The agreed solution was to increase the production capacity of samiler crackers, through the application of a gas fueled scarring machine as a substitute for production equipment. The method used in this service was training and assistance as well as providing production equipment. The purpose of this service was to increase the production capacity of samiler crackers. The results achieved from this activity were partners having 1 unit of gas fueled scarring machine and an increase in the production capacity of samiler crackers by 15%.<br>Keywords: production capacity, samiler crackers, training, assistance, micro business</p> Achmad Rijanto, Suesthi Rahayuningsih Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 63 70 UPAYA MELAKUKAN GERAKAN CUCI TANGAN DI SDN BLEBERAN <p>ABSTRACT<br>Washing hands with soap is a healthy behavior that has been scientifically proven to prevent diseases such as diarrhea. Improper handwashing with soap is still found in students in grades 1,2 and 3 at SDN Bleberan, Jatirejo Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency. Because these children are very vulnerable to disease, awareness is needed that the importance of handwashing with soap is applied in everyday life. On 1 August 2019, a healthy life socialization session was held by washing hands with soap. This research aims to increase the awareness of students in Bleberan Public Elementary School related to healthy living by washing their hands with soap. The data collection method in this study is by observation and interviews with partners namely Bleberan Public Elementary School.<br>Keywords: Socialization, washing hands, awareness</p> Sherina Puspa Yunita, Rebertha Paulina Rosa, Diah Sarasanty Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 71 75 PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK DESSERO (DESSERT SUSU OREO) MELALUI SOSIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM DI DESA KEMIRI PACET MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACT<br>Social Media is one of the means to conduct promotions that can quickly introduce products to the wider community quickly and thoroughly, because in the present time information technology has evolved and entered the entire region that In Indonesia. Processed products in Kemiri village which is derived from milk is developed into Dessero products to attract the attention of consumers and increase the public's income, than to sell only the form of Dairy Milk. The methods used are the workshop and training of product creation and the creation of social media accounts. The purpose of this devotion will indirectly make the community more creative to innovate to create products that have high selling value. The result of product development is to improve the Community economy, introducing the importance of promotion through social media for mothers PKK and Coral cadets in the village Kemiri District Pacet Mojokerto.<br>Keywords: Social Media (Instagram), information technology, milk.</p> Khoirun Nisa’, Findach Anugraini W.D, Rani Jayanti Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 76 80 PEMANFAATAN LAHAN KOSONG DUSUN TRECEH MELALUI 1000 BIBIT GUNA MENCEGAH KERUSAKAN EKOSISTEM <p>ABSTRACT<br>Utilization of vacant land in the Treceh hamlet is an effort made to prevent damage to the ecosystem that is in the surrounding environment. The purpose of utilizing vacant land in addition to protecting the ecosystem is also an effort to make the land productive again. Land use is expected to increase the shade and beauty of the Treceh hamlet. Steps In the use of vacant land begins with the procurement of 1000 seeds needed and has been agreed by the partners. Furthermore, the seeds that have arrived will be distributed and planted on empty land to make them more useful. Planting is carried out with partners and local residents. Planting was carried out on the side of the roadside, vacant land next to the Treceh hamlet hall, and public cemetery Treceh hamlet.<br>Keywords: Land use, Empty land, Trece Hamlet, 1000 Seedlings, Ecosystem damage.</p> Devano Firmansyah, Mohammad Syirod, Tri Ratna Rinayuhani Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-20 2020-01-20 2 81 85 UPAYA PENINGKATAN NILAI HARGA JUAL PRODUK MELALUI BRANDING <p>ABSTRACT<br>Natural potential that is abundant in the village Sumberjati is corn, but the utilization of the potential is less maximum. Therefore, our group of KKN UNIM Sumberjati 2019 Create new product innovations namely corn milk. Corn milk is used as a product that can be made in the village of Sumberjati, and corn milk because has many benefits. The nursing of the Sumberjati villagers also complained of hypertension and corn milk can be used as a solution. Besides, a product also needs branding to introduce to the wider community that this product exists. In the effort of product branding corn milk innovations is packaging bottles, attractive labels, and variant flavors are unique as a differentiator from the other corn milk.<br>Keywords: potency, corn. Innovation, Branding.</p> Nita Dwi Ningsih, Tia Adita Tubaka, Ahmad Iklil Saifulloh Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 91 95 SOSIALISASI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS ETNOMATEMATIKA MELALUI MEDIA “MAS SOGI” DI MI TRI BHAKTI CLAKET <p>ABSTRACT<br>In modern era most of children prefer to play gadget, so traditional games like hopscotch almost forgotten. Besides that, most of students’ Elementary school dislike math. Therefore, the devotion team made a learning method that socializes ethnomatematics through hopscotch that have been modified as an innovation in math learning strategies. In addition, as an alternative solution to preserve traditional games that were almost extinct in modern era. This media was made by using of environmentally friendly materials as a media game in the form “Mas Sogi” which was ultimately used to overcome the problems faced by partners today namely the low enthusiasm to learn and increasing students' achievement in math. The location was carried out in VI grade at MI Tri Bhakti, Claket village, Pacet sub-district, Mojokerto district. The results of the socialization through this media can inspire the future teachers teach their students to love math.<br>Keywords : Ethnomatematics, Hopscotch, Mas Sogi, MI Tri Bhakti Claket</p> Miftakul Sania, Ainun Jariyah, Dicki Nizar Zulfika Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 96 102 E-VOCARD SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN KOSAKATA BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS RAMAH LINGKUNGAN DI SDN TAWANGREJO <p>ABSTRACT<br>The purpose of this community service activity was to socialize about E-Vocard and how used of game method by using it, which has been modified from the rules of domino card as an innovative English learning strategy. This media was made by using environmentally friendly materials as learning media which were ultimately used to overcome the problems faced by partners today, namely the low motivation in English and lack of vocabulary mastery. The location was carried out in VI grade of SDN Tawangrejo, Jatirejo sub-district, Mojokerto regency. Output targets to be achieved were (1) Students understand about E-vocard in learning, (2) Students were able applied the game through E-vocard in the classroom, (3) Can increase students’ motivation in learning English. Based on observation during community service activity, the method through E-Vocard had a positive impact, namely the students showed enthusiasm for the E-vocard that is applied in learning English.<br>Keywords: Vocabulary mastery, E-Vocard, SDN Tawangrejo</p> Miftakul Janah, Muhammad Ali Rohmad Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 103 109 PEMANFAATAN SAMPAH PLASTIK SEBAGAI PENGHASIL BAHAN BAKAR ALTERNATIF DI DESA CLAKET <p>ABSTRACT<br>Claket is a fairly developed village with tourism as one of its popular commodities. Consequently, it is not surprising that there are lots of garbage in Claket, including plastic waste. While the nature of a plastic waste itself is difficult to decompose and takes a very long time to decipher, many residents prefer to throw the garbages to the trash bank to be sold, or simply burn them. However, burning the garbage is not a solution. Garbage will only shrinks, it will not disappears altogether. Likewise the trash bank, selling garbage is also a less profitable solution because the profits from selling garbage are too little, just enough to be used for the trash bank itself. In this article, a solution is offered for waste by making it an alternative fuel in the form of gas which can later be sold again and can be a source of additional income for the people of Claket.<br>Keywords: Trash buildup, Trash banks, Alternative fuels.</p> Ratna Dhamayanti, Bagus Galih Wicaksono, Dicki Nizar Zulfika Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 110 114 PERANCANGAN TATA LETAK FASILITAS KERUPUK SUSUDESA CLAKET MENGGUNAKAN KONSEP ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP CHART (ARC) <p>ABSTRACT<br>Claket Village, located in Pacet Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency is one of the pure milk producing villages in Indonesia. Pure milk is one of the favorite drinks of many people because it contains nutrients that are important for the body such as calcium, vitamin D and protein. In this case KKN group 1 Claket Village innovates to develop pure milk into processed milk crackers in order to improve the economy of the Claket Village community. But the problem faced now is the unavailability of dairy cracker production facility layout. The purpose of this article is to design the layout of milk cracker production facilities using the concept of Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) which will be used as a concept of making the layout design of milk cracker production facilities in Claket Village where the contents of the layout design of milk cracker production facilities is to make a flow the production process according to the order of the production process so that later in the milk cracker production process will be more effective and efficient. The result of this article is the design of a milk cracker production facility layout consisting of 1 floor and the production process space adapted to the milk cracker production process flow.<br>Keywords: Milk Crackers, Facility Layout, Activity Relationship Chart</p> Sonata Maulana, Dicki Nizar Zulfika Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 115 120 PERANCANGAN TATA LETAK FASILITAS KERUPUK SUSUDESA CLAKET MENGGUNAKAN KONSEP ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP CHART (ARC) <p>ABSTRACT<br>Claket Village, located in Pacet Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency is one of the pure milk producing villages in Indonesia. Pure milk is one of the favorite drinks of many people because it contains nutrients that are important for the body such as calcium, vitamin D and protein. In this case KKN group 1 Claket Village innovates to develop pure milk into processed milk crackers in order to improve the economy of the Claket Village community. But the problem faced now is the unavailability of dairy cracker production facility layout. The purpose of this article is to design the layout of milk cracker production facilities using the concept of Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) which will be used as a concept of making the layout design of milk cracker production facilities in Claket Village where the contents of the layout design of milk cracker production facilities is to make a flow the production process according to the order of the production process so that later in the milk cracker production process will be more effective and efficient. The result of this article is the design of a milk cracker production facility layout consisting of 1 floor and the production process space adapted to the milk cracker production process flow.<br>Keywords: Milk Crackers, Facility Layout, Activity Relationship Chart</p> Sonata Maulana, Dicki Nizar Zulfika Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 121 126 PELATIHAN DASAR KOMPUTER MENGOPERASIKAN MICROSOFT WORD DAN MICROSOFT EXCEL DI DESA SUMBERJATI <p>ABSTRACT<br>The location of the Real Work Lecture group 6 was placed in Sumberjati Village, Jatirejo District, Mojokerto Regency. The community has a sense of family and a high sense of enthusiasm. The project carried out is a service to the community that is directly related to the field of study. In junior high school in Sumberjati Village, The implementation of this program students deliver material and practice directly and ask for what is implemented. The output of this program is a learning module about computer basics, Ms Word and Ms Excel, so that the children in Sumberjati Village can operate computers, and get knowledge in learning of Ms Word and Ms Excel so as not to lose out to city kids who know better technology like computers.<br>Keywords: Computer basic training, Operate Microsoft Word and Excel, Computer Software.</p> Moch. Affandi Wijayanto, Much.Rizky Maskurniawan, Ahmad Iklil Saifullah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 127 132 PENGEMBANGAN VARIAN RASA PRODUK PADA UMKM KRIPJOSS DESA REJOSARI KECAMATAN JATIREJO KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACK<br>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in the economy of a country or region in realizing national stability. This community service activity aims to help develop MSMEs of KripJoss through product variants to be more attractive and widely known by consumers, increase sales and increase partner economies. Based on abservations and interviews, the main problem faced by MSMEs of KripJoss are low human resources and product creativity, lack of production equipment and lack of infrastructure that supports business activities. This activity is carried out through several stages, including the stages of planning, training and entrepreneurship assistance, training and assistance in making flavors of chips, and the stage of providing logo and label designs. The benefits obtained by partners are able to become competent entrepreneurs, and are able to apply business management in their business activities.<br>Keywords : Product innovation, empowerment of MSMEs, flavor variants.</p> Nisa’ul Adibah, Atika Rahmawati, Eko Sutrisno Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 133 139 PEMANFAATAN BOTOL BEKAS SEBAGAI MEDIA PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI PADA PENDIDIKAN DASAR <p>ABSTRACT<br>Philosophically, children as part of the young generation is one of the human resources which is the potential and successor to the ideals of the nation's struggle. Saving is an activity to set aside some money so that the funds collected that can be used for certain needs or in urgent situation later. Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that students develop their potential actively. The method of implementing activities explains the stages or steps in implementing the solutions offered from the problems above. To answer the problems faced by students of grade 5 at SDN Rejosari and realize anti-corruption education solutions early, the activities were carried out as follows: (1) Providing knowledge about what corruption is, (2) Providing video shows of the impact and danger of corruption, ( 3) Providing the inculcation of the values of discipline and honesty, (4) Teaching ways of wealthy life without corruption, (5) Providing money storage media made from used bottles that have been decorated to save money for grade 5 students at SDN Rejosari.<br>Keywords: Saving, Used Bottles, Anti-corruption Education.</p> Andika Akhmad Kusuma, Fittry Sefiany, Eko Sutrisno Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 140 146 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN SEMANGAT MENABUNG PADA SISWA- SISWI SDN GUMENG MELALUI METODE WA’ NAKEB <p>ABSTRACT<br>Saving money is one thing that’s very common in society. Saving can be used as an alternative to save some of the money we have. Saving provides many benefits, saving can teach life saving and not excessive in spending unnecessary costs, practice simple life and have money if something urgent happens. Saving is a familiar thing for students in SDN Gumeng, Gondang. Some have savings but their anthusiasm is slighty reduces because they prefer to buy something. The solution provided by the service team is through the Wa’Nakeb saving method, besides they are invited to decorate the piggy bank. The method was formed and chosen by the team because it is unique,interesting,easy,and innovative.with the solutions provided, it is expected to increase their enthusiasm for saving.<br>Keywords : Saving, Wa’Nakeb Saving Method, Making Piggy Bank.</p> Nabilla Ludiana, Rosita, Rini Armin Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 147 152 PENERAPAN METODE CPP (COST PLUS PRICING) DALAM MENENTUKAN HARGA JUAL MAKANAN OLEH-OLEH KHAS MBENCIRANG “BOLUMER” <p>ABSTRACT<br>Kebontunggul Village is a village with interesting tourism objects, and have the status “village toward independence”. Development of UMKM in Kebontunggul Village through the development of SDM to boost the village economy. The purpose of this article is to apply the CPP (Cost Plus Pricing) method in determining the selling price of typical Mbencirang souvenirs, "Bolumer". The method used by the CPP is in the form of an analysis of the potential of training to residents, and an analysis of outputs after training. In analyzing the data used quantitative descriptive methods. The results showed that the CPP method is the simplest method in determining the selling price of a product. Conclusion The CPP method is effective for improving SDM for the sake of UMKM activities in Kebontunggul Village.<br>Keyword: Cost Plus Pricing, selling price, SDM, UMKM</p> Dindya Nirmala, Enita Nourma Sari, Luki Ardiantoro Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 153 159 PENINGKATAN OMSET PENJUALAN MELALUI PEMBUATAN LOGO DAN PROMOSI MEDIA ONLINE UMKM JAMUR KEBONTUNGGUL <p>ABSTRACT<br>Small and medium businesses (SMEs) are experiencing good development. Small and medium businesses are one of the efforts to increase community economic growth. Mushroom is one type of horticultural product and one of foodstuffs that has good health benefits. In the process of growing mushrooms, it does not use artificial fertilizers or chemicals. The UMKM Fresh Oyster Mushroom that the author observes is the Fresh Oyster Mushroom business owned by Mr. Slamet Budiono. From the observation and analysis of the situation, the problems faced by business owners are the design and diversification of products which are not yet diverse and also become the problem of MSMEs. Currently business owners have not used promotional media to introduce their products and are just waiting for the reseller to arrive. So the focus of the problems faced is the problem of quantity, quality, product diversification and promotion strategies that have not been optimal.Based on the situation analysis above, the problem-solving plan undertaken is to create brands and logos, and provide training on marketing strategies and good product promotion to support sales including the use of branded plastic packaging bags. And the ultimate goal of this service is expected to increase the diversification and differentiation of products sold with more quantity and better quality, the respondent's brand can be widely known, broadening the reach of marketing, which in turn can increase sales turnover.<br>Keywords: Brands, Mushrooms, Online Media, UMKM</p> Anggita Andriana, Fifi Andri Saputri, Luki Ardiantoro Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 160 165 PEMANFAATAN DIGITAL MARKETING TERHADAP USAHA PEMASARAN “KOPI GUNUNG DEWA JEMBUL” <p>ABSTRACT<br>Coffee has become one of the leading export commodities which until now it has become one of the most popular drinks in the world, and consumed by various groups of people. Jembul village is one of the leading coffees’ producer. Moreover, which makes Jembul coffee special because coffee is believed to be a relic from the Dutch era.Coffee which is included Excelsa variety has a small bean shape and tend to be round. However, unfortunately this coffee is still experiencing problems in the marketing process. Amidst the advancement of the technological era, businesses mest be able to target business opportunities appropriately in utilizing technology to develop their marketing in order to reach a wider market. The one of them is through out Digital Marketing.The purpose of this research is to find out about the knowledge and comperehension of Jembul villagers about theimportance of Digital Marketing for their businesses and to know the extent of the villagers’ ability to practice Digital Marketing by utilizing social media.Social media that used for Digital Marketingby Jembul villagers among others Bukalapak, Fanspage,dan Website.<br>Keywords: Coffee, Digital Marketing, Excelsa, Social Media</p> Ani Wahyuningsih, Ilil Laili Mufarokhah, Zuhri Firdaus Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 166 170 PENGENALAN SISTEM HIDROPONIK METODE WATER CULTURE SYSTEM KEPADA IBU RUMAH TANGGA DESA PADI SEBAGAI UPAYA EFISIENSI LAHAN BERCOCOK TANAM <p>ABSTRACT<br>This type of activity is implemented with the aim to provide additional insight and skills to housewives in the Padi village regarding hydroponic methods of water culture system. The expected can be a lack of land alternatives to keep gardening. The method we use in this activity is by workshop in one of the residents ' houses. As for those who follow most housewives in the Padi village. From the results, it is known that the introduction of hydroponics and planting skills can run very well. For the participation of mothers who are high in understanding and application. So it can be concluded that this activity can foster the insight as well as housewives skills regarding hydroponic methods water culture system.<br>Keywords : Hydroponic, Water Culture System, Workshop</p> Desi Anggraeni, Larasati Wulandari, Achmad Rijanto Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 170 174 UPAYA PENINGKATAN PEREKONOMIAN IBU PKK MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN PRODUK WEDANG SECANG DI DESA GUMENG <p>ABSTRAK<br>Jenis usaha yang relatif muda dan tidak membutuhkan banyak modal untuk memulainya adalah usaha “Wedang Secang”. Usaha ini sangat menjanjikan untuk dijalankan karena jumlah pohon secang yang berada di Desa Gumeng sangat melimpah. Selain itu warga Desa Gumeng tidak memanfaatkan pohon secang secara baik, karena tidak mengetahui manfaat dan cara pengelolahan batang pohon secang. Usaha pembuatan wedang secang menjadi pilihan warga dengan tim KKN Universitas Islam Majapahit (UNIM) untuk dijadikan usaha tambahan. Ibu PKK tersebut mengalami permasalahan yang berupa belum ada usaha tambahan yang dapat menambah pendapatan, sehingaa yang dibekali yaitu cara pembuatan wedang secang serta bagaimana cara memasarkan produk wedang secang. Mitra dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat.<br>Kata Kunci : Wedang Secang, Pemasaran, Perekonomian</p> Desi Retno Ambarsari, Miftakhus Sholihah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 175 178 PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN AL-QUR’AN GUNA MENUMBUHKAN AKHLAK TERPUJI PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI DESA BENDUNGANJATI KECAMATAN PACET KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACT<br>Efforts to instill habits in the importance of Al-Qur'an education in early childhood in Bendunganjati Village need to be carried out. Because early childhood is still frail in receiving information or experiences around it. Therefore the habit of learning the Koran is used as a reference for good morals. Efforts to plant habits in the importance of Al-Qur'an education have become the choice of residents and students of the Majapahit Islamic University (UNIM) service to be one of the efforts that needs to be realized. The partner faced a problem in the form of a lack of knowledge of learning methods in attracting early childhood interest in learning the Qur'an using the motion method. From these problems through learning methods to interpret the Qur'an and its meaning by appealing so that young children in Bendunganjati Village can easily accept laudable moral learning from the Qur'an.<br>Keywords: Moral Education, Al-Qur'an, Children.</p> Habib Fikri Bima Sakti, Shoffiula Muizzah, Hajar Nurma Wachidah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 179 184 PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PENDIRIAN UNIT BANK SAMPAH (Studi Kasus Desa Jembul, Kecamatan Jatirejo, Kabupaten Mojokerto) <p>ABSTRACT<br>The society participations is one of the important element to establishing of garbage bank. This research used description research design with qualitative approach. The collecting of data used purposive sampling technique which the result is primary data and secondary data. The focused of this research is seen from the forms of society participations that is from idea, skills, property, and power. The result of this research showed that society participations to estabished garbage bank at Jembul village, Jatirejo-Mojokerto is not going well. The society who did not had authority in helping to manage a garbage bank, it became passive on the process of establishing and also forming a bank managemnet institution. The obstacles encountered were not only from society participation, but limited funds became an obstacle to the process of establishing a garbage bank. The process of establishing a garbage bank launched by the village government is not going well. Even though the village really needs a place to process and sort waste that still has a sale value.<br>Keyword: Garbage bank,Participation, Society</p> Muslifah Aisyanti, Nurul Insanin Arifani, Zuhri Firdaus Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 185 190 UPAYA PENINGKATAN KREATIVITAS DAN PRODUKTIVITAS SANTRI PONDOK PESANTREN AL – ISTIQOMAH II MELALUI PELATIHAN KARYA SENI ISLAM <p>Abstract<br>Islamic Boarding School are the institutons based education of islam that taught me all sorts of science of good formal and non formal. in Islamic boarding school also developed various fields namely the development of social, the development of academic, and development of skills. In addition there are lots of ways to increase creativity santri through Islamic work of art. Which were training calligraphy in Islamic boarding school the Al – Istiqomah II in Bendunganjati developing in the village, pacet sub-district, Mojokerto areas, which has only thirteen santri muqim. Lack of teaching staffs inversely proportional to their potential in Islamic boarding school the Al – Istiqomah II. Where santri high articulate their interest in the field of art. Need the training held calligraphy works of art as a condult to channel the santri. Interest and talent method that is done in training a work of Islamic art calligraphy is to observe the interest an talent ownwed partners through interviews, do the training method at regular intervals for lecture, real work carried out and the marketing method through the online and offline shop. Shop training through training this, calligraphy expected to improve creativity owned santri, increase liveliness santri whitin the realm of art visual aesthetic, can also increase productivity santri when calligraphy works of art can be sold as a receptacle for entrepreneur.<br>Keywords: Creativity, Productivity, and Training of Islamic art.</p> Frida Setia Risfania, Khavida Rizza Umami, Hajar Nurma Wachidah Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 191 196 UPAYA MENGEMBANGKAN POTENSI DESA DENGAN MEMBUDIDAYAKAN TAMAN TOGA DI DUSUN TAMENG DESA PADI, MOJOKERTO <p>ABSTRACT<br>In order to support the development of rural resource potential in the Padi Village, especially in the Tameng Hamlet, the utilization and management of the environment can be done by planting TOGA. The purpose of this activity was to increase community knowledge and skills of community in cultivating the TOGA garden. The method used in this activity was the application of steps implemented in cultivation the TOGA garden. This partner faces a problem in the form of a lack of knowledge about TOGA, so the solution offered was the delivery of material about TOGA as well provides training in planting TOGA. And the results achieved in this activity gained many benefits such as providing knowledge about the efficacy of some of the existing TOGA around the community, how to plant a good TOGA with the practice of making a TOGA garden that can be utilized by the surrounding community and how to process the TOGA.Various kinds of solutions offered were expected to be able to overcome the problems faced by partners.<br>Keywords: Cultivation, Knowledge, TOGA.</p> Nabila Nadia Aprilia, Visi Dini Umaeroh, Achmad Rijanto3 Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 197 202 UPAYA PEMBINAAN MEMASARKAN PRODUK MELALUI MEDIA ONLINE <p>ABSTRACT<br>The type of business in this article is easy to do because raw materials are close,easy to obtain and easy to process into chips with many flavors.This attempt can improve the economy of the community in Tawangrejo.Passing through the forests.This activity can provide many benefits to partners being able to operate hand phones as a tool to sell products online.Previously partners were only able to market their products by entrusting people to be sold in the market,but now they are able to sell products online by using hand phones.<br>Keywords : Taro Chips, Online marketing</p> Nurul Fitriani, Tria Septian Indriani, Muhammad Ali Rohmad, S.Ag., M.PdI Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 203 207 PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN MIE BASAH BERBASIS LABU KUNING DI KECAMATAN PAMULANG <p>ABSTRACT<br>Benda Baru village has various potential natural resources including various types of spices, tubers (cassava, kimpul, corn, yam, yellow pumpkin), and fruits (banana, pineapple, papaya). From various natural products, it is known that the utilization of tubers such as yellow pumpkin is lower than others. The purpose of this community service program is to train the community to make food especially noodle from yellow pumpkin which is known as source of carbohydrate with good vitamins. The results of the pre-test and post-test evaluation showed that most students gained new understanding and knowledge about making wet noodles,.<br>Keywords: community service program, yellow pumpkin, wet noodle</p> Efrina Efrina, Mahdiyah Mahdiyah, Adellia Utami Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 208 214 PELATIHAN PENGOLAHAN JAHE MENJADI MINUMAN INSTAN BAGI KWT SRIKANDI DI KOTA BOGOR <p>ABSTRACT<br>The Women Farmers Group (KWT) is a government program that is useful to increase income and food security towards household welfare in each village. These women are trained to be able to grow a variety of organic plant products and medicinal plants that can be sold in fresh conditions. One of them is KWT Srikandi KBB. KWT Srikandi grows various types of herbal plants for lsale. However, the sale of agricultural products in fresh condition has various shortcomings including perishable agricultural products. The Community Service Program based on KKN Universitas Negeri Jakarta conducts intensive training for KWT for 3 months to provide training in making instant drinks made from ginger. In addition to training, this KKN-based PKM fosters KWT to make good packaging and labels and helps KWT to socialize the products they produce in various activities including on 17 August, Maulid Nabi and various bazaars<br>Keywords: Instant ginger, making instant drinks, training.</p> Yetti Supriyati, Efrina, Aninda Adhiguna , Hilda Amelia, Vellia Nur Rahma Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 215 219 UPAYA PENINGKATAN KESADARAN KEBERSIHAN DIRI PADA SISWA SD MELALUI GERAKAN MENCUCI TANGAN DAN MENYIKAT GIGI <p>ABSTRACT<br>Personal hygiene is an effort made by someone for physical hygiene and physical health. A survey conducted by Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia in Basic Health Research 2013 and 2018 shows the level of awareness importance healthy living in Indonesia is still low. From this case, the group of KKN Majapahit Islamic University in 2019 organizes hand washing and tooth brushing for children program in the village. By encouraging personal hygiene from the age of children, they are expected to have a healthy life to adulthood and will be asked to the next generation. Before this activity was carried out, the level of awareness about personal hygiene was still less focused in terms of handling hands and brushing teeth. After doing this activity, it can be seen an increase of 33.33% according to the needs of washing hands and 77.78% An increase in motivation to brush teeth. From these results, it can be seen that hygiene in early childhood is very effective to do. Because at that age, they are very easy to learn about good habits and applied in daily life.<br>Keywords: cara menyikat gigi yang benar, cuci tangan, cuci tangan dengan sabun, kesadaran kebersihan diri, sikat gigi, sikat gigi</p> Vedoardo Awang Arianru Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 220 225 SENDRATARI PRAMITA BEDANDER, BUKAN SEKEDAR TONTONAN: SINERGI DALAM MEMBENTUK KESADARAN KOLEKTIF (KE-) MAJAPAHIT (-AN) <p>ABSTRACT<br>This article is the result of community service in creating public awareness about Majapahit. Medium namely the performing arts. The performance here certainly leads to the giving of insight into kemajapahitan. The Mojokerto Regency Government, through the Department of Tourism, Youth, and Sports routinely holds shows to unveil the knowledge of kemajapahitan to the people, especially millennial generation. The movement is to maintain the traditional community. If these traditional communities have high productivity, then indirectly efforts to maintain intangible heritage from the challenges of modernity is getting stronger. Local wisdom is not eroded by the massive waves of the internet that creates uniformity. It can simultaneously transform cultural ideology in global culture, as has been done by the Tengger and Using people who have successfully resisted cultural disruption. The methods of creation in Pramita Bedander ballet are basic knowledge, floor patterns, exploration, and transformation of performances. The final stage of creation is to compile the elements of the process in accordance with the play to strengthen the character and give the spirit of performance.<br>Keywords: Cultural disruption, Intangible, Majapahit, Sendratari,</p> Akhmad Fatoni, S. S., M. Hum. Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-21 2020-01-21 2 226 231 PENINGKATAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH SEHAT (PHBS) DI DESA WATESARI KECAMATAN BALONGBENDO KABUPATEN SIDOARJO <p>ABSTRACT <br>Health development is a service activity for the community which the implementation is based on the health<br>system related to clean and healthy living behavior implemented in Watesari village by establishing a health<br>inspection house. Watesari villagers experience health problems related to the environment, thus <br>monitoring and prevention of health problems in the community is conducted. The most common and<br>common health problems are diabetes and gout. These problems arise due to people's lifestyles, especially<br>in consuming food. This also related to daily activities of society. The purpose of community service is to<br>participate in the community to improve the degree of public health. The activity took place in RT 06 and<br>RT 08 Watesari village - Balongbendo District of Sidoarjo, and was held in April 2019. The implementation<br>method was carried out in two stages, namely counseling and continued by plunging into the surrounding <br>communities to find out how much the communities understood about PHBS. The results obtained in the<br>implementation of the activity were to deliver information about PHBS and health education in order to<br>create healthy houses in terms of the environment, individual conditions and public health as well. The<br>questionnaires were distributed to the communities before counseling with the results of 30% not knowing<br>about PHBS and after the activity 100% knowing about PHBS. The whole community with the PHBS counseling activities and health about diabetes and Gout the community can take care of themselves and thesurrounding environment.&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Health Development, Healthy and Clean Living Behavior, Health Counseling, Watesari. </p> Acivrida Mega Charisma, Farida Anwari, Ani Mei Munasari, Ike Yuyun Winarsih Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-02-03 2020-02-03 2 25 30 OPTIMALISASI KUALITAS LINGKUNGAN DAN KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT DESA BLEBERAN KECAMATAN JATIREJO MOJOKERTO MENUJU DESA OPEN DEFECATION FREE BERBASIS SOSIALISASI <p><br>Abstract <br>Human activities on the environment are very important to pay attention and maintain the quality of water,<br>including efforts to prevent pollution. One of the pollutants is black water waste. The significant impact of black<br>water waste is that it can pollute water, even directly endanger humans and is feared without the availability of <br>sanitation facilities for domestic wastewater treatment, public health will decline and affect community<br>productivity. One area where 20% of the population still practices open defecation is the people of Desa Bleberan<br>Kecamatan Jatirejo Kabupaten Mojokerto. The behavior of people who are accustomed to open defecation is still <br>a problem in a number of areas Desa Bleberan. In the eight hamlets in Desa Bleberan which are the benchmarks<br>of the success of the program towards the ODF Village, namely Dusun Losari and Dusun Bangon , the program<br>has not been maximally implemented in other hamlets. The purpose of this service is to find out the background <br>of changes in community behavior, so that it becomes a reference for maximizing the socialization program<br>towards Desa ODF. Data collection methods in this service include secondary data obtained through interviews<br>and questionnaires. The results showed that 80% of Losari Hamlet community was able to Open Defecation Free <br>into defecation through Community Based Total Sanitation Program, whereas Dusun Bangon, on the other hand,<br>had not been able to change their behavior from open defecation free into defecation behavior large to the toilet<br>so it is important to do socialization to provide knowledge to the community in increasing community participation <br>to do self-help as well as assistance and ongoing guidance can provide stimulation to the community to get used<br>to using the toilet<br>Keywords: open defecation free, socialization, open defecation</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Diah Sarasanty Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-02-04 2020-02-04 2 232 236 PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK SEPEDA UNIVERSITAS MENGGUNAKAN METODE QFD (QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT) <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Bicycles are now one of the important means of transportation among students, especially for use at universities where the main parking lot is too far from the lecture building. Various kinds of problems often occur due to the main parking lot that is too far from the lecture building. Like, the difficulties when carrying luggage that is too heavy, students are often exhausted when walking and take a long time to walk to the lecture building. Therefore, many universities in the world have developed special bicycles that are used at universities. This study uses the method and analysis used for the design of the university's bicycle product development, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) which aims to develop university-specific bicycles using Arduino Uno technology, and added special luggage boxes that have 35 liter capacities, and have a framework which has been designed to be comfortable, safe and attractive for use by all genders.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>product design and development, university bicycles, quality function deployment.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Andhika Cahyono Putra David Agus Prastiyo Ryan Dwi Septyawan Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-06-15 2020-06-15 2 213 221 PERANCANGAN TATA LETAK FASILITAS ULANG (RELAYOUT) UNTUK MEMINIMALISASI MATERIAL HANDLING PADA PABRIK PEMBUATAN TAHU PT XYZ MENGGUNAKAN METODE ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP CHART <p>ABSTRAK<br>Pada suatu perusahaan, salah satu faktor yang paling penting untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi<br>produksi adalah dengan merancang tata letak fasilitas produksi yang baik agar tidak mengganggu kegiatan<br>produksi. Terdapat berbagai macam kendala dapat terjadi pada proses produksi yang diakibatkan oleh tata<br>letak fasilitas yang kurang efisien. Hal ini yang terjadi pada tata letak fasilitas produksi tahu di PT XYZ yang<br>mengalami kendala terdapat aliran pemindahan bahan yang berpotongan (cross movement). Penelitian ini<br>bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan perancangan tata letak fasilitas ulang yang baru untuk mengatur ulang<br>jalur lalu lintas material/barang yang lebih sesuai, sehingga bisa meminimalkan panjang lintasan material<br>handling yang dapat mengakibatkan proses produksi terganggu. Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan usulan<br>tata letak baru yaitu dengan metode Activity Relationship Chart (ARC). Berdasarkan penelitian ini, hasilnya<br>menunjukkan bahwa layout usulan hasil penelitian memiliki jarak lebih pendek yang memiliki panjang<br>lintasan material handling 41,8 m. hasil ini lebih efisien 7,11% jika dibandingkan dengan panjang aliran<br>material handling layout awal yaitu 45 m.<br>Kata kunci: activity relationship chart, cross movement, material handling, tata letak fasilitas produksi.</p> Ryan Dwi Septyawan, David Agus Prastiyo, dan Andhika Cahyono Putra Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-06-16 2020-06-16 2 237 242 EDIBLE COATING PATI JAGUNG DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK JERUK NIPIS UNTUK ANTI PENCOKLATAN PADA BUAH POTONG APEL MALANG CHERRY <p>ABSTRACT<br>The fresh-cut fruits development rises due to the increasing the demand of convenience ready to eat fruits. Malang Cherry apple is an eminent horticultural product in East Java. Unfortunately, the apples cannot use yet as fresh-cut fruit due to their browning properties after removing their peel. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of edible coating from corn starch with lime extract as anti-browning in fresh cut Malang Cherry apple. The dipping method was used in this research along with three variables such as control (uncoated) and edible coating corn starch with 0%, 5% and 15% (v/v) lime extrac). Edible coating with or without lime extract can reduce loss weight until 18.6% compared to control. The excellent treatment was edible coating corn starch with 15% lime extract. This treatment can raise lightness value, decrease the browning index and b* value during 24 hours of storage.<br>Keyword: apple, browning, corn starch, edible coating</p> Pinasthika R.W. Wiratara Copyright (c) 2020 Prosiding SNP2M (Seminar Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) UNIM 2020-01-18 2020-01-18 2 78 83