Representasi, Simbol, Grafik, Tabel, VerbalAbstract
This research aims to describe the ability of students’ mathematical representation to solve linear program’s problem reviewed from gender differences. This research focuses on table, symbols, verbal, and graph representation. The subjects of this research are one male and one female student of the fourth Semester of Mathematics Education in Majapahit Islamic University. The subjects are selected based on the highest mathematics ability which is assesed from their previous assignments and tests. In addition, the communication ability of the subjects is also considered in order to facilitate the researcher in conducting interviews.Based on the result of the tests and interviews, it can be concluded that (a) the female subject present information into the table representation in both the graphical and simplex methods, while the male subject does not present the information into the table representation on the graph method, and it is incomplete in writing the table representation on the simplex method; (b) The female subject makes graphical representation completely and precisely, whereas the male subject makes a mistake in making a graphical representation and determining the solution area; (c) the male and female subjects write symbol representations in the solution of the problem completely and precisely on the graph and simplex method, but in the simplex method male student is incomplete in her symbol representation; (d) the female subject solves problems with written words completely on the graph method and the simplex method, while male subject is incomplete and the male subject does not write verbal representation.
Keyword: Representation, Symbols, Graph, Table, Verbal
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